Crystal structure of dicyclohexylammonium N-phthaloylglycinate

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Ng Seik Weng


Hydrogen bonds link the dicyclohexylammonium cations to the N-phthaloylglycinato anions in crystalline dicyclohexylammonium N-phthaloylglycinate to give rise to a linear
chain structure. Crystals belong to the triclinic PI space group, with a = 8.9837 (8), b = 9.6253 (7), c = 12.3863 (7) Ã…, = 100.029 (5), p = 93.394 (6), 90.411 (7)0


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How to Cite
Weng, N. S. (1995). Crystal structure of dicyclohexylammonium N-phthaloylglycinate. Malaysian Journal of Science, 16(2), 45–48. Retrieved from
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